of handsome form. This householder Naga had a son by the name of Aniyasa born to himself by his wife Sulasā... delicate [until] of handsome form..., attended by five nurses viz. a milk-nurse etc....grew in comfort like Dadhapainna [etc.] (like a fine champakatree by the side of) mountain(-cavern) [etc.]. Then when his father and mother saw that young Aniyasa was partly eight years of age, (they brought him to) the teacher of arts [etc. until] ripe for enjoyment Then when his father and mother saw that young Aņiyasa had passed his childhood, they made him take the hands of thirty-two excellent daughters of rich merchants, within a day. Then this householder Naga gave to young Aniyasa the gift of gladness of the following types viz. thirty-two crores of gold [etc.] just in the same way as in the case of Mahabbala; [until] he led his time enjoying varied pleasures, with the tops of the tabors breaking, on the top-floor of his excellent palace. In that age, at that time, saint Aritthnemi [until] arrived. The garden was Sirivana, so (until] (the saint) abode. The congregation went out. Then of this Aniyasa [etc.] same (is to be narrated)