THE THIRD DIVISION “ If..., of the third division... etc.” The Introduction.
" Verily, Jambū, in the third division... of the Fortunes of End-winners, thirteen lessons are preached. They are namely,
Aniyasa, Anantsena, Ajiyaseņa, Anihayariū, Devasepa, Sattusena; Sarana, Gaya, Sumuha, Dūmmuha Kūvaria, Darua; Anaditthì.
"If, Sir, by the Ascetic [until] attained, of the third division of the Fortunes of Endwinners thirteen lessons are preached, what is the matter, Sir, of the first lesson of the third division of the Fortunes of Endwinners preached ?
“ Verily, Jambū, in that age, at that time, there was a city named Bhaddilapura. [ A description. ] At the north-east direction of Bhaddilapura there was a garden named Sirivana [A description. ] The king was Jiyasattu. In this city of Bhaddilpura, there was a householder named Nāga, rich (until] unsurpassed. This householder Naga had
wife named Sulasā, delicate ( until ]