me like Meha (until] a homeless (friar); he, heedful in walking [until] abode putting in front this very Niggantha doctrine. Some other time then, in the presence of saint Aritthņemi and the Elders of such sort this Goyama studied the Laws of Peace etc. also the Eleven Sciptures; and abode exercising himself by many fasts until the fourth setc). Then, some other time, Saint Arithnemi set out from the city of Bāraval, from Nan. danavana and travelled about in other countries. Then, some other time, that Friar Goyama made his way towards the place where Saint Aritthnemi was; thrice walked round him from right to right; praised and worshipped him; and said " I, sir, on being permitted by you, intend to abide observing a month's Monastic Standard.” In the same way as Khanda-, he underwent the twelve Monastic standards; also the Gunarayana mortification, in the same way entirely be observed; in the same manner as Khanda-a he thought; so also he took farewell, together with the elders mounted Settumja; by a month's starvation (he came to his death); his period was twelve years [until] he was beatified.