Baravai and the whole of the half of 'Bharaha, Here, in the city of Baravai, dwelt a king named Andhagavanhi [ great....the description of the king ] This king Andhagavanhi had a queen named Dharini [ The description.]
Now once upon a time this queen Dharini was on a bed of this sort ( as in the case of Mahabbala.
The description of the seeing of a dream, the birth, the childhood the youth, the marriage, the wives and the enjoymens of the palace, ]
Excepting that his name was Goyama; and they made him hold the hands of eight noble maidens in marriage within a day; the gifts were eight of each sort.
In that age, at that time the reverend Aritthạemi, the first-maker [ until ] abode; Gods of four orders came. Kanha also went out. Then to Prince Goyama etc...He went forth like Meha. Prince Goyama, having heard ( the doctrine...spoke ) "...But only, Beloved of Gods, I will bid farewell to my father and mother; then in the vicinity of the Beloved of Gods etc..." Thus he beca