हर्षवर्धन-गणि-कृतं सदयवत्स-कथानकम
3. Jambūsāmicaria of Virakavi edited by V.P. Jain, 1968, Samdhi 1,
Kadavaka 4 ; also Introduction, pp. 11. 14. 4. Hence Kochad (Apabhraíśa-sahitya, 1956, p. 148), has missed it.
Paramanand Jain Shastri (Jain-Grantha-Prasasti-Samgraha, Part-2, 1963, Introduction, p. 59, text p. 6, Index, p. 165) has misunderstood it as Vira-kahā- V.P. Jain has either simply mentioned it (loc., cit. Index, p. 386) without any comment or has rendered it incor
rectly and with a query as "Suddayavira-kathā ?”. 5. Sardeśarāsaka, edited by Jinavijaya Muni , 1946, verse 43.44. 6. Sudaṁsaņacariya of Nayanandin, edited by Hiralal Jain, 1970, Sardhi
2, verse 2 in the opening. 7. Jain-Grantha-Prasasti-Samgraha, Part 2. Delhi, 1963, Introduction,
p. 48. 8. Jain-Grantha-Prasasti-Samgraha, text, p. 26. 9. Sadayavatsa-vira-prabhandha (= SVP) edited by Manjulal Majmudar,
Bikaner, 1960. 10. It may be also noted in this connection that the Gāthās at v. 180
and 181 are the same as Vajjālagga 54 and 51 respectively with a
few variants. 11. "Sadayavatsa-sāvalimga-ki prem-katha", Rājasthāna-bharati, 3, 1. See
also H.C. Bhayani, Anusamdhān (in Gujarati), 1972, pp. 241-243. 12. Paumacariya of Svayambhū, edited by H.C. Bhayani : Part-I.
Bombay, 1952, Introduction, pp. 28, 43-45. 125 (v. 65). 13. The poet expired sometime after he wrote this. The remaining por
tion of the epic was completed by his son Tribhuvana. See
Paumacariya, Part-I, Introduction pp. 44-45. 14. V. Raghavan, Bhoja's Śrgāraprakāśa, 1963, pp. 624, 819, 820.
H.C. Bhayani, “About the Language of the Sadrakakathā”. JOI (B)
18, 1969, p. 316. 15. In Cāritraratna-gani's Dānapradipa (1443 A.D.), we have another
version of this episode (in the story of Siddhidatta and Dhanadatta figuring as a part of the account of the previous incarnation of king