(3) शपथं कृत्वा कथितं मया तस्य परं सफलं जन्म।
यस्य न त्यागः न च आरभटी न च प्रमृष्टः धर्मः ॥ . "On oath I tell you: His life alone is fruitful who . does not lose generosity, nor valour nor piety." Here सबधु, कधिदु and सभलउं illustrate the rule.
For एकहिं अक्सिहिं सावणु see 357. 2.
(4) यदि कथंचित् प्राप्स्यामि प्रियं अकृतं कौतुकं करिष्यामि । _ पानीयं नवके शरावे यथा सर्वाङ्गेण प्रवेक्ष्यामि॥
"If somehow I meet my lover I shall do something wonderful never done before; I shall enter into him with all my body as water pervades the new earthen jar.' For similar idea compare पाहुडदोहा, 177. This verse and : the following illustrate the fact that the changes prescribed by this sātra may not take place as an effect of प्रायोऽधिकार.
(6) पश्य कर्णिकारः प्रफुल्लितकः काञ्चनकान्तिप्रकाशः।
____गौरीवदनविनिर्जितकः ननु सेवते वनवासम् ॥ ..
“Behold the dat is in full blossom bearing the beauty of gold; indeed, being put into background ( lit. defeated ) by the face of the fair maid, it has taken to residence in forest.
397. In अपभ्रंश non-initial non-conjunct म is changed to nasalised व. Thus we have कवलु, भरु from कमल, भ्रमर; जिवँ, तिā from जिम, तिम etc...
- 398. रेफ as second member of any conjunct is optionally dropped in अपनंश.
For जइ केवइ see. 396. 4. For जइ भग्गा see. 379. 2.
399. रेफ is substituted for a member of the conjunct in some cases; e. g., वास for व्यास. (1) व्यासः महर्षिः एतद् भणति-यदि श्रुतिशास्त्रं प्रमाणम् ।
मातृणां चरणौ नमतां दिवसे दिवसे गङ्गास्नानम् ॥ "Vyasa, the great sage, says thus : If the Veda and the Śāstra are to be regarded as authoritative, then those