NOTES : IV 368-377
whoever ( of the pair ) stands separated (वेग्गळा) becomes a victim of death. वेग्गळा is वेगळा in Marathi and has the sense of separation. 371. (1) युष्माभिः अस्माभिः यत् कृतं दृष्टं बहुकजनेन ।
तत् ( =तदा) तावन्मात्रः समरभरः निर्जितः एकक्षणेन ॥ “What yourselves and ourselves had done has been witnessed by many people; for, we have won (afsta: ) so great a battle in a moment." तेवड्डङ is तेवढा in Marathi. --- 372. (1) तव गुणसंपदं तव मतिं तव अनुत्तरां क्षान्तिम् ।
यदि उत्पद्य अन्यजनाः महीमण्डले शिक्षन्ते॥ “How I wish that other men born on this globe of earth learn (from you) your numerous virtues, your intelligence and your uncomparable forbearance."
375. For तसु हउं etc. see 338. 1. 376. (1) वयं स्तोकाः रिपवः बहवः कातराः एवं भणन्ति। ..
- मुग्धे निभालय गगनतलं कति जनाः ज्योत्स्ना कुर्वन्ति ॥ The warrior is consoling his beloved when out to go on the battle-field. “We are few and the enemies numerous, so say the timid ones; but, o fair one, behold the sky( and see ) how many ( are there that.) give the moon-light.” The Com. remarks:-एकश्चन्द्र एवेत्यर्थः. (2) अम्लत्वं लागायित्वा ये गताः पथिकाः परकीयाः केऽपि ।
अवश्यं न स्वपन्ति सुखासिकायां यथा वयं तथा तेऽपि ॥
"Those other travellers who have left this place or • home having left their love(अम्लत्व स्नेह)behind will certainly
not sleep at ease as we (at home) do not.” The lady speaks of her lover, a wanderer, who has left her at home. 377. (1) मया ज्ञातं प्रिय विरहितानां कापि धरा भवति विकाले।
केवलं (=परं) मृगाङ्कोऽपि तथा तपति यथा दिनकरः क्षयकाले ॥ "My dear, I thought that there was some support (धरा) (consolation, alleviation of pain) to separated lovers at sunset (विकाले संध्यायां ); but at the close (of the day