NOTES : IV 339-343
"Any body can get without any distinction a slab of stone from the mountain ( to lie ) and fruit from tree ( to eat ); and still men do not like the forest when they leave home." Here we have गिरिहे and तरुहे as Abl. sing. forms. नसावन्नु is निःसामान्यम् ; the commentator takes it to be सर्वः but in that case we have to interpret घेप्पइ as गृह्णाति; the commentator does not seem to be correct, and we should interpret घेप्पइ as गृह्यते.
(2) तरुभ्यः अपि वल्कलं फलं मुनयः अपि परिधानं अशनं लभन्ते ।
• स्वामिभ्यः इयत् अधिकं (अग्गलु) आदरं भृत्याः गृह्णन्ति ॥ “Even ascetics get barks from trees to wear and fruits to eat; the servants get from their masters only courtesy (or have to show courtesy or respect to their masters) over and above these (clothing and food)." Here we have तरुईं and सामिहुँ as Abl. plu. अग्गललं from अग्र+ल+क. Compare erat in Marathi.
The Loc. sing. termination is fe:
(3) अथ विरलप्रभावः एव कलौ धर्मः । . . "Indeed piety has very little power left in this Kaliagė.” Here we have a fesie as Loc. sing.
342. ए, the Inst. sing. termination of words ending in अ, gets ण and अनुस्वार; we have thus दइएं from दयित and पवसन्तेण from पवसन्त ( Pres. parts from प्र + वस् ). See IV. 388.1. ___ 343. The Instrumental sing. of words ending in इ and-उ is एं as well as ण and अनुस्वार; . (1) अग्निना उष्णं भवति जगत् वातेन शीतलं तथा। . .
. यः पुनः अमिना शीतलः तस्य उष्णत्वं कथम् ॥ "The world feels warm by fire and cold by wind; how can heat affect him ( the ascetic ) who feels cold by the side of fire?" Here we have अग्गिएं, वाएं, ending in एं and अग्गिं ending in अनुस्वार.
(2) विप्रियकारकः यद्यपि प्रियः तदपि तं आनय अद्य ।
अग्निना दग्धं यद्यपि गृहं तदपि तेन अमिना कार्यम् ॥