NOTES: III 56-137
plu, Inst. sing. and plu.; eg., णं, णे णेण णेहिं. इदम्, तद् and have in their Gen. sing. 87-89. Declension of
and in Gen. plu.. f.
The base is er for all the three genders. Nom. sing. has erg in all genders and Loc. sing. masculine has अयम्मि, इयम्मि and अमुम्मि. The rest is a regular declension.
90-116. Declension of युष्मद् and अस्मद् The Sūtras give all the forms in due order of cases and numbers.
117-123. Declension of numerals. g in its forms and g, is, as numeral, declined in the singular, while the remaining in the plural only. f becomes or à and we have Nom, and Acc. a, a,; Inst. f, af; Abl. दोहिंतो, वेहिंतो; Gen. दोन्हं, वेण्हं; Loc. दोसु, वेसु. त्रि has as the base; and we have तिण्णि, तीहिं, तीहिंतो, तिन्हं and तीसु. चतुर् has चत्तारो, चउरो and चत्तारि in Nom. and Acc. चऊहि, चऊहिंतो, चउन्हं and in the remainiug. It is to be noted that fa, and ag have got the same forms for all genders. All numerals are to be declined similarly, the Gen. plu. termination being or .
124. The rest of the declension of words is like that of.words ending in . The commentary gives numerous illustrations how this and is to be applied to parti
cular cases.
125-129. These Sutras speak of the miscellaneous exceptions to previous rules on declension.
130.. In Prakrit there is no dual number. Prakrit uses the plural number where dual is used in Sk.
131-137. These Satras speak of the rules Syntax. The Dative is replaced by the Genitive, though occasionally Dative sing. is used. Genitive is the most general case in Prakrit. Loc. may be used in place of Acc. and Inst. and Inst. in place of Abl.
42 [ कुमारपालचरित ]