This rule appears to us to be superfluous when we remember that निस्सरइ and निस्सास can become नीसरइ and after dropping a member of the conjunct.
94. दुआई Sk. द्विजाति.
97. दुहा वि सो सुरबहूसत्थो, Sk. द्विधापि सं सुरवधूसार्थः .
99-106. These rules describe the changes of §. 104. Compare II. 72.
107-117. These rules describe the changes of 3.
114. In Mss. , and are written very similarly. H. seems to sanction the confusion. ऊसुओ, Sk. उच्छुक: which is explained as उद्गताः शुकाः यस्मात्.
115. Compare I. 93.
116. Compare I. 85.
118-125. These rules describe the changes of . 126-144. These rules describe the changes of . 126. कृपादिपाठात्, compare I. 128.
129., .., when it is not the second member of & compound. Thus, we can have पिट्ठि and पट्टी; पिट्ठिपरिट्ठविअं when yg is the first member of a compound; but fa¿, when чg is the second member of a compound.
133. वेन सह, i. e., the whole syllable
becomes 3.
of a word which compound;
134. m, i.e., of the ending is subordinate, i. e., first member in a o.g., मातृमण्डल becomes माउमण्डल and so forth. माउसिआ and पिउसिआ stand respectively for मातृष्वसा and पितृष्वसा See II. 142. fag is faчfa, i. e., god of manes.
142. The three कृदन्त terminations, क्विप्, टक् and सक्, added to after a pronoun or respectively form indefinite pronouns ending in दृश्, दृश and दृक्ष, ०.g., ईदृशू, ईदृश and . The of a in such forms becomes R, and is dropped.
144. दरिअसीहेण, Sk. दृप्तसिंहेन.