देवतामूर्ति-प्रकरणम् and defects or has good qualities, is fit for eternal worship and reverence. A worshipper of a Bana-linga may even enjoy wealth • accumulated by force. (114).
Installing and worshipping a Bana-linga leads to the attainment of immense merit and piety. The worship and the installation of a Bana-linga are, thus, acts of excellencc. (115).
बाणलिङ्ग-स्थापना की प्रशंसा
सर्वयज्ञतपोदान - तीर्थ-वेदेषु यत्फलम् । तत्फलं कोटिगुणितं प्राप्यते लिङ्गस्थापनात् ॥ ११६ ॥
सब यज्ञ, तप, दान, तीर्थ यात्रा और वेदों के अध्ययन से जो फल होता है, उससे बाणलिङ्ग की स्थापना और पूजन से करोड़ गुणा अधिक फल होता
The merit resulting from sacrifices (yagna), meditation (tapa), giving of charity (dana), pilgrimages (tirtha), and the study of the Vedas may be increased one crore (i.e. ten million) times through installing a Siva-linga of the category known as Banalinga. (116).
यो लिङ्गं स्थापयेदेकं विधिपूर्वं सदक्षिणम् । .. सर्वागमोदितं पुण्यं कोटिकोटिगुणं भवेत् ॥ ११७ ॥
जो मनुष्य एक दक्षिणावर्त बाणलिङ्ग की विधिपूर्वक स्थापना करता है, । उसका जो फल समस्त आगमों में कहा है, उनसे कोटि कोटि गुण अधिक फल होता है।
One who installs, through the prescribed procedures, a sadakshinam (south-facing?) Bana-linga will acquire sarvagmoditam – the highest merit of ten million multiplied ten millionfold (i.c. a crore times crore). (117).
शतवारं कुरुक्षेत्रे सहस्रं जाह्नवीषु च । नर्मदायाँ च लक्षण कोटिं च कुरुजाङ्गले ॥ ११८ ॥