He has three eyes and a handsome face. He is adorned with kundala earrings. The divine body of the god is great in size and resplendent in its youth, and his arms strong and powerful. He possesses great energy and is portrayed with his hands in the position of varad (bestowing blessings) and abhay (absence of fear). (2).
रक्ताम्बरधरं देवं रक्तयज्ञोवीतिनम्। . रक्तोष्णीषं रक्तनेत्रं रक्तामाल्यानुलेपनम् ॥३॥ जटाकृतचन्द्रदेवं त्रिनेत्रं तुंगनासिकम्। महावक्त्रं महाबाहुं खड्गखेटकधारिणम् ॥४॥ . . रक्तास्यं रक्तनयनं रक्तकुण्डलधारिणम्। रक्तालङ्कारसंयुक्तं सर्पाभरणभूषितम् ॥५॥
वामदेव लाल वस्त्र को धारण करने वाला, लाल जनेऊ वाला, लाल मुकुट धारण करने वाला, लाल नेत्र, लाल माला और लाल चंदन वाला, जटा में चन्द्र धारण करने वाला, तीन नेत्र वाला, ऊँची नासिका वाला, बड़े मुख और बड़ी भुजा वाला, हाथ में खड्ग और ढाल धारण करने वाला, लाल मुख वाला, लालकुण्डल वाला, लाल अलङ्कार और सर्प का आभरण धारण करने वाला है।
Vamadeva -
The red-garbed god Vamadeva wears a red yagnopveetinam or 'sacred string' and a red diadem. His eyes are red, as is his garland and the unguent (of red sandalwood) with which he is annointed (3). The moon adorns his matted locks (jata). The three eyed Lord has an elevated (?prominent) nose and a large face. His arms are powerful and hold a sword and a shield. (4).
Such is Vamadeva of the ruddy complexion, red eyes, red kundala earrings and red ornaments, and adorned with a snake. (5).