देवतामूर्ति-प्रकरणम् .. of Trivikram and Vaman. (2). शूद्रवर्ण को शुभ मूर्तियाँ
पूजिता श्रेधरी मूर्तिः शूद्राणां च सुखप्रदा। चर्मकृद्रजकानां च नटस्य वरटस्य च ॥३॥
श्रीधर की मूर्ति मोची, धोबी, नट और म्लेच्छ जाति वालों को सुख देने वाली है।
Worshipping the statue of Shreedhar will bring happiness to Shudras, cobblers and others who work in leather, washermen, dancers, actors and performers, and Varuts (or Mlechchas - outcastes, forcigners, or groups not classified in the formal four-fold caste division).(3). .
मेद-भिल्ल-किरातानां हृषीकेश: सुखावहः । कुंभकार-वणिग्वेश्या -चाक्रिकाणां ध्वजस्य च ॥४॥
मेद, भील, किरात, कुंभार, वणिक, वेश्या, तैली और कलाल के लिये हृषीकेश की मूर्ति सुखकारक है। .
The idol of Hrishikeshi will bring happiness for Medas, Bhils and Kiratas, as well as for potters, merchants, harlots and courtesans, Chakrikas or those who extract oil from oil-seeds, and Dhvajas or.distillers and vendors of liquor. (4). .
सर्वासां प्रकृतीनां च पद्मनाभः सुखप्रदः।। दामोदर: सौख्यकरो ब्रह्मचार्येकदण्डिनोः ॥५॥
सब जाति के लिय पद्मनाभ की मूर्ति सुख देने वाली है। ब्रह्मचारी और एकदंडी संन्यासियों के लिये दामोदर की मूर्ति सुखकारक है।
The idol of Padmanabha is auspicious and good for all castes and groups, and that of Damodar is beneficial for Brahmacharins (those who have taken the vow of celibacy, and/or those who are serving the Bralımacharya portion of their lives as pcr the Four Ashram system), and for sages of the 'Ekadandin'
1.. मु. वैश्य।