Uvavāiya Suttam Sū. 1
अतः वहाँ शत्रुओं का प्रवेश कर पाना दुष्कर था। वह नगरी जिस प्राकार ( किला ) से परिवेष्टित थी, वह वक्र हुए धनुष से भी अधिक वक्र था। भीतर से शत्रु-सैन्य को देखने आदि हेतु निर्मित बन्दर के मस्तक के गोल आकार के छेदों ( कंगूरों) एवं रंग-बिरंगों से वह नगरी सुशोभित थी। उसके राजमार्ग, परकोटे पर बनी हुई गुमटियों, परकोटे के मध्य आठ हाथ प्रमाण चौड़े मार्गों, परकोटे में निर्मित लघुद्वारों-बारियों, नगरी के प्रमुख द्वारों, द्वारों पर बहुत उन्नत तोरणों से सुशोभित और सुविभक्त थे। सुयोग्य शिल्पाचार्यों द्वारा निर्मित अर्गला से एवं दोनों किवाड़ों को परस्पर में दृढ़ करने के लिये लौह-निर्मित नुकीले कीलों से इस नगरी के द्वार युक्त थे।
Located on an elevated ground, the city being wide, deep and broad, it was protected by a deep ditch and a double wall by felling which hundreds of people were killed. It bad an impressive collection of arm's for its defence, such as wheels, maces and guns (musundhi).. The defence was strong enough to stop the enemy at a distance. Installed there was sataghnī which killed hundreds at a time, and which had a pair of doors free from crack or hole so that the entry of the enemy was rendered impossible. The city was encircled by a wall which bent like a bow, with many observation boles called kavisisaga, because they.looked like a monkey's head. There were many covered stands called attālaka where the soldiers could take shelter and fight, and there were roads called carika, eight cubits in breadth. Besides, there were many small doors, city doors called gopura and the main entrance called torana through which neatly passed all the streets, roads and highways of the city. The latches and master nails of the doors were produced by skilled artisans.
विवणि-वणिच्छेत्त-सिप्पियाइण्ण-णिव्वुय-सुहा सिंघाडग-तिगचउक्क-चच्चर-पणियावण-विविह-वत्थु-परिमंडिया सुरम्मा नरवइपविइण्ण-महिवइ-पहा अणेग-वर-तुरग-मत्त-कुंजर-रह-पहकर-सीयसंदमाणीया-इण्ण-जाण-जुंगा विमउल-णव-णलिणि-सो भय-जला पंडुर