उववाहय सुतं सू० ३८
कर मरते हैं, जो किसी के मृत कलेवर - मनुष्य, हाथी, ऊँट, गधे • आदि के शरीर में प्रवेश करके गीधों ( पक्षियों ) की चोंचों से विदारित होकर मरते हैं, जो जंगल में खोकर मरते हैं, दुर्भिक्ष में भूख, प्यास आदि से मरते हैं, यदि उन व्यक्तियों के परिणाम संक्लिष्ट-आर्त्तध्यान एवं रौद्र ध्यान से युक्त न हों तो उस प्रकार काल के समय मृत्यु प्राप्त कर वे वाण - व्यन्तर देवलोकों में से किसी देवलोक में देव रूप में उत्पन्न होते हैं। वहाँ उस देवलोक के अनुरूप उनकी गति, वहाँ उनकी स्थिति तथा वहाँ उनकी उपपात - उत्पत्ति होती है, ऐसा बतलाया गया है ।
Such beings who reside in villages, mines, cities, etc., etc., who have their hands and feet tied with anduka made from iron/wood, who are in fetters, who are trapped, who are in dark cells, with hands, feet, ears, noses, lips, tongue, crest, mouth, waist/belly, or the place ( shoulder) wherefrom hangs the sacred thread/who have been pierced like a sacred thread, the flesh of whose heart has been cut, whose eyes have been taken out of the socket, whose teeth have been removed, whose testacles have been cut, whose throat has been pierced, whose flesh has been cut to the size of a grain of rice, who have been fed with their own flesh or those who have been tied with a rope and let down into a ditch, who have been tied to the branch of a tree by their hands, who have been dragged on the ground, who have been churned, who have been pierced by an axe, who have been crushed through a machine, who have been placed on the lance or who have just been pierced by the lance on which they were placed, or on whom alkali has been spread or who have been hurled into alkali, who have been wrapped in raw hide or whose male organ (penis) has been removed, or those who have died in fire, who have been drowned in mud, who have been bogged in mud, who have slipped from restraint, who have died from some hardship like hunger, who have died from pain of dependence in enjoyment of objects, who