Uvavāiya Suttam Su. 34
The way in which the souls are bound, The way in which they attain liberation, The way in which they suffer an immense pain, The way they end it through detachment. 4
With a wretched body and a wretched mind,
The way in which they attain the depth of the misery,
The way they regain detachment,
And smash the layers of karma great. 5
The way wrong deeds give results bad,
The way a soul, freed from karma, attains liberation. 6
तमेव धम्मं दुविहं आइक्खइ । तं जहा - अगारधम्मं अणगारधम्मं च ।
भगवान् महावीर ने उसी धर्म को दो प्रकार का बतलाया है । जो इस प्रकार है : अगार धर्म - श्रावक धर्म और अनगार धर्म - श्रमण धर्म |
This way (religion) has two facets to observe, one for householder, another for the homeless monk. Given below is the way of a homeless monk
अणगारधम्मो ताव इह खलु सव्वओ सव्वत्ताए मुंडे भवित्ता अगारात अणगारियं पव्वयइ । सव्वाओ पाणाइवायाओ वेरमणं मुसावाय वेरमणं अदिण्णादाण वेरमणं मेहुण वेरमणं परिग्गह वेरमणं भोणा वेरमणं । अथमाउसो ! अणगार सामइए धम्मे पण्णत्ते । एअस्स धम्मस्स सिक्खाए उवट्टिए निग्गंथे वा निग्गंथी वा विहरमाणे आणाए आराहए भवति ।