.. ( xiii) ninhavas (distortions). In the end is given the details of Kevali-transformation, Siddhi-kşetra and Siddhas (liberated souls). In between is given the detailed information about Ambada Pariyrājaka and his seven hundred disciples and their lives. Though Ambada was a Parivrājaka he was a true follower of the Lord. It is also mentioned that Ambada would attain liberation in the next birth,
In this Upānga are available a number of information about matters political, social and civil so also the lively and absorbing information about matters religious, philosophical and cultural. .
The Present Edition 1
Many editions of this important Āgama have been published along with original text, Sanskrit Commentary and Hindi or Gujarati translation. But there is none with Hindi and English translation. This edition is published with the view that the Bnglish and Hindi knowing scholars may have access to the poetic excellence of this work and enjoy it.
Sri Ramesh Muni Shastri, Kavya-tirtha, Jain Siddhantacarya has done the work of Hindi translation at our request. Sri Ramesh Muni, a disciple of Upadhyaya-pravara Sri Pushkarmuniji, is a brilliant scholar. His translation has clarity and flow. Though extremely busy he translated it for us into Hindi, for which we express our gratitude to him
The. English translation was done by late Prof. K. C. Lalwani. Sri Lalwani was a Professor of Economics, Department of Humanities, I.I.T., Kharagpur. Though he was a Professor of Economics, he was erudite in philosophy, Prakrit and English also. He had an amiable personality and was expert in translation. He had already translated and published such Āgama texts like Kalpa Sūtra, Daśavaikälika Sätra, Uttaradhyayana Sūtra and Bhagavati Sūtra. He did send the translation of Aupapātika Sūtra for publication long ago but unfortunately we could not publish it in time and