Uvavaiya Suttam St. 20
the Arihantas, not to show disrespect to reilgion propounded by the Arihantas, not to behave wrongly towards the head of the order (ācārya), preceptor (upadhyāya)), senior monks, kula, gana, sangha, superior monks, monks of similar rank who are fulfilling a similar code, towards perceptual knowledge, scriptural knowledge, extra-sensory knowledge, telepathic knowledge and absolute knowledge (total 15), a similar number for devotion and a similar number for attaining fame/reputation. Such is anatyāsātanā-vinaya.
से किं तं चरित्तविणए ?
चरित्तविणए पंचविहे पण्णत्ते । तं जहा—सामाइअ-चरित्तविणए छेओवट्ठावणिअ - चरित्तविणए परिहारविसुद्धि - चरित्तविणए सुहुमसंपराय-चरित्तविणए अहक्खाय-चरित्तविणए। से तं चरित्तविणए।
वह चारित्र-विनय क्या है ? उसके कितने भेद हैं ?
चारित्र विनय पाँच प्रकार का कहा गया' है, जो इस प्रकार है: (१) सामायिक चारित्र विनय, (२) छेदोपस्थापनिक चारित्र विनय, (३) परिहार विशुद्धि चारित्र विनय, (४) सूक्ष्म-संपराय चारित्र विनय, (५) यथाख्यात् चारित्र विनय। यह चारित्र विनय का स्वरूप कहा गया है।
What is humility of conduct ?
It has five types, viz., sämāyika or sitting in equanimity for 48 minutes, chedopasthāpanika or restoration to righteousness after a lapse. parihär a-visuddhi or perfection of physical activities, sukşma-samparāya or having no more than very minute passions, and yathākhyāta or moulding the conduct as per code.