NOTE The following pages contain all important roots of the Becond, third, fifth, seventh, eighth and ninth conjugations, otherwise known as The Second Group of Conjugations. The different forms of those roots are arranged in ton columns :1st column gives the root, conjugation, Pada and meaning
(धातु, गण, पद आणि अर्थ); 2nd , 3rd. per. sing. of the Present, both act. & pass.
(वर्तमान काल,तृतीय पुरुष, एकवचन, कर्तरि व कर्मणि); 3rd ,
of the Imperfect act. and passive.
(अनद्यतनभूत किंवा अपूर्णभूतकाल ......); of the Imperative act, and passive. (आज्ञार्थ, तृतीय पुरुष, एकवचन, कर्तरि व कर्मणि);
of.the Potential act. and passive . (विध्यर्थ तृतीय पुरुष, एकवचन, कर्तरि व कर्मणि); Prosont participle, act, and pass.'
(वर्तमानकालवाचक धातुसाधित विशेषण, कर्तरि व कर्मणि); „ Potential Passivo Participles.
(विध्यर्थ धातुसाधित विशेषण); 8th , Past
. (भूतकालवाचक धातुसाधित विशेषण); 9th , Ininitire or purpose (हेवर्थक धातुसाधित अव्यय) and 10th , Absolutives or gerands. (पूर्वकालवाचक धातुसाधित अव्यय).