NOTE The following pages contain a list of roots belonging to the first group of conjugations that the students of the fourth standard have to study, given in their alphabetical order..
There are ton columns in all. They contain in order (1) Root, conjugation, Pada and meaning
(धातु, गण, पद आणि अर्थ); (% ) Present 3rd person singular, active and passiva
(वर्तमान काल, तृतीय पुरुष, एकवचन, कर्तरि व कर्मणि); (3) Imperfect 3rd person singular, active and passive
(अनद्यतनभूत किंवा अपूर्णभूतकाल); (4) Imperative 3rd person singular, active and paasive
(आज्ञार्थ, तृतीय पुष्य, एकवचन, कर्तरि व कर्मणि); (5) Potential 3rd person singular, active and paseive.
(विध्यर्थ तृतीय पुरुष, एकवचन, कर्तरि व कर्मणि); (8) Present participles, active and passive
(वर्तमानकालवाचक धातुसाधित विशेषण, कर्तरि व कर्मणि); (7) Potential passive participles
(विध्यर्थ धातुसाधित विशेषण); (8) Past passive participles
' (भतकालवाचक धातुसाधित विशेषण); (9) Infinitive of purpose
(हेत्वर्थक धातुसाधित अव्यय) and (10)Gerunds or absolutives
(पूर्वकालवामक धातुसाधित अव्यय).