(5) Causal (प्रेरणार्थक ):
Causal forms are obtained from any root belonging to any one of the ten conjugations. They can be conjugated in all the tenses and moods.
The list of roots given at the ond of this part gives the Causal forms of the Present 3rd per. sing. of all the roots. A few important forms, however, are given below with their formation.
Formation :-The causal base is made up by adding 379 to the root, as in the case of roots of the tenth conjugation, before the terminations are applied to them. The causals of the roots. of the 10th conjugation are the same as the primitive. The Crusul forms generally take cither Pavin.
The Causals of some roots are conjugnted in the Parasmaipada only it. g. नदा, जन, इ with अधि, बुध 4 A., युध, दु and स्नु, and roots meaning · to sivailow ' and ' to move'.
"The Causa!s of some roots are inostly conjugated in Atmanepade: e.g: पा to drink.', दम्, यम् with आ, मुह with परि, धे, रुन् , बम् 1 P., वद् with अभि and'नृत् .
Some important & irregular Causal forms:चि-वापयति-ते । चाययति-त। ली 9 P.-लापयति-ते। स्फुर-फारयनि-ने। कोरयति-ते। भी-भाययति--ते। आरम-आरम्भयति-ते। ..
वि+स्मि-विस्मापयते। लम्-लम्भवति ।
स्काय-फावयति-ते। ऋ-अपयनि-ने।
रुह रोहयति-ते । रोपयति-ते । हो-पान-ते।
को-कापयति-ने दः-दापयति-ते।
इ with अधि 'to study' पा: P.-पालयनि-ने।
अध्यापयति-ते। पा:-पाययति-त। इ ' to go' मयति-ते . शो-शाययति-ते।
इwith अघि to remember'हे-हाययति-ते। ..