Chapter IV The Aorist, Benedictive, Desiderative,
Frequentative and Causals (1) Aorist (aira T ) :
There are three tenses and moods oply viz. the Imperfect, the Conditional and the Aorist t) at take the augment 2 or 371 prefixed to their formg. The students can very well recognise the forme of the Imperfoct and of the Conditional as they are fully dealt with in the foregoing portion of this book. Those forms of the roots, therefore, that are neither Imperfect nor Conditional and liave the auginent prefixed to tbem can be safoly takon ns Aorist foring. The number and the person of the Aorist forin can also be rocóunised with little offort as their endings are generally similar to those of the Imperfect.
The exhaustive list given at the end of this part supplies both the active and Passivc 3rd person singular forms of the Aorist. If the students go through them carefully, they can easily recognise any Aorist form.
Note that short ş is the termination of the Passive Aorist third person singular. A few forms of the Causal Aorist should be noted :
91 TT I ET-—3PETITI 3 312ZN 13714— AT I 37-1997 357—3HTE I
TIŠEGE I 7ef A.- deni Some irregular forms of the Cansal Horist :
स्तु-अतुष्टवत् । हु–अजूहवत् ।
373999 or STIWITEI यत्-अववर्तत् or अवीवृतत् । 791_37959817 Or 31962RTI I