क्षम् 1 A. & 4 P. (भमने, साम्यति) to permit; to pardon. (परवानगी देणे; क्षमा करणे).
असू 5 A. (अश्नुते ) to pervade (व्यापणे). लिश 9 P. (क्लिभाति ) to torment (दुःख देणे). नश् 4 P. (नश्यनि) to perish (नाश पावणें ). अक्ष 1 P. (अक्षनि) to rench; to pervade. (पोहोचणें ; व्यापणें ). कुष् with निस् (निष्कुष्णानि ) to draw out. (चाहेर काढणें ). तक्ष 1 P. (नक्षति ) to chop, cut off (कापणे, तासणें ). वक्ष 1 P. (त्वक्षति ) to hev, peel ( कापणे, सोलणें ). गाह 1 A. (गाहने ) to dive or plunge into (बुडी मारणे). गुह 1 U. (गृहति-°ने) to cover, hide (झांकणे, लपवणें ). गई 1 A. (गहने) 10 blame (निंदणें, दोष देणें ).
तृह 6 P. (तृहति) and तुंह 6 P. (हति ) to hurt, to kill ( अपाय करणे, टार मारणे ).
द्रुह 4 P. (द्रुह्यति ) to bear malice or hatred (द्रोह किंवा द्वेष करणे). वृह 6 P. (बृहति) to grow ( वाढणे). मुह . P. ( मुह्यति ) to faint (पूच्छा येणें ). स्तृह 6 P. (स्तृहनि) to 'strike, to kill (मारणे, ठार मारणे). बिह 4 P. (नियति ) to feel affection for, to love (प्रेम करणे ).
स्नुह 4 P. (स्नुह्यति ) to vonnit (ओकणे). The Periphrastic Perfect (आम्-युक्त परोक्षभूत ):- It is necessarily formed of (i) all roots beginning with a long coucl except 37 or 31, or with a short vowel followed by a conjunct consonant; s.g. ईक्ष, ईड, ई, ऊह etc. except मच्छ; (ii) all roots of the 10th conjugation, l'ausals and other Derivative Terbs and roots of more than one syllable; e. g. तड्, मारय् , निती , चकास् , except ऊर्थ ; (iii) दय् , अय् , आम् and काम.
It is optionally formed of (१) दरिद्रा, जाग, उम्, and विद् ; (२) भी, भू. ही and हु; (३) धूप, गुप्, पन्, पण, विच्छ, कम् and ऋज.
It is formed by adding 379 to the root and then appending the forms of कृ, भू and अस् 'to be'. परस्मैपदी roots take पर० forms of the anxiliary verbs, while आत्मनेपदी roots take the आत्म० forms of p only and the grewo forms of 3# and .