Chapter I This chapter gives in the following pages the list of all irregular roots that are not included in Parts I and II. The different forms of the roots are given in ten different columns. The columps give in order: (1) Root, conjugition, Pada and meaning
(धातु, गण, पद आणि अर्थ); (2) Present 3rd person singular active and passive
(वतेमानकाल, तृतीय पुरुष, एकवचन, कर्तरि व कर्मणि); (3) Imperfect, rd person singular active and passive
(अनद्यतनभूत किंवा प्रथमभूत काल तृतीय पुरुप, ए. व. कर्तरि व कर्मणि); (4) Imperative 3rd person singular, active and passive
(आज्ञार्थ, तृतीय पुरुष, एकवचन, कर्तरि व कर्मणि); (5) Potential 3rd person singular active and passive
(विध्यर्थ, तृतीय पुरुष, एकवचन, कर्तरि व कर्मणि); (6) Present participles, active and passive
(वर्तमानकालवाचक धातुसाधित विशेषण, कर्तरि व कर्मणि); ..(7) Potential passive participles
(विध्यर्थ धातुसाधित विशेषण); (8) Past passive participles
(भूतकालवाचक धातुसाधित विशेषण); (9) Infinitives of purpose
( हेत्वर्थक धातुसाधित अव्यय) and (10) Gerunds or absolutives . (पूर्वकालवाचक धातुसाधित अव्यय).