Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 9 Ch. 32
: Mahāvira-Gangeya ! They may enter without mating, or through the mother's womb, or one without mating and the rest through the mother's womb, or two through mating and the rest through the mother's womb, till a countable number enter without mating and a countable number through the mother's womb.
गांगेय-असंखेज्जा भंते ! मणुस्सा पुच्छा ?
Gangeya-Bhante ! What is the position when the number is beyond count ?
महावीर-गंगेया ! सव्वे वि ताव संमुच्छिममणुस्सेसु होज्जा । अहवा असंखेज्जा संमुच्छिममणुस्सेसु एगे गब्भवक्कंतियमणुस्सेसु होज्जा। अहवा असंखेज्जा संमुच्छिममणुस्सेसु दो गब्भवक्कंतिय मणुस्सेसु होज्जा। एवं जाव...असंखेज्जा संमुच्छिममणुस्सेसु होज्जा संखेज्जा गब्भवक्कंतियमणुस्सेसु होज्जा।
• Mahāvira-Gängeya ! All may enter without mating, or an uncountable number may enter without mating and one through the mother's womb, or an uncountable number may enter without mating and two through the mother's womb, till an uncountable number may enter without mating and a countable number through the mother's womb.
गांगेय-उक्कोसा भंते ! मणुस्सा पुच्छा ? Gangeya-Bhante ! What is their optimum distribution ?
महावीर-गंगेया ! सव्वे वि ताव संमच्छिममणुस्सेसु होज्जा। अहवा संमुच्छिममणुस्सेसु य गब्भवक्कंतियमणुस्सेसु वा होज्जा।
Mahāvīra-Gāngeya ! All of them may enter without mating, or some may enter without mating and some through the mother's womb.
गांगेय-एयस्स णं भंते ! संमुच्छिममणुस्सपवेसणगस्स गभवक्कंतियमणुस्सपवेसणगस्स य कयरे कयरे जाव...विसेसाहिया ?