Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 9 Ch. 31
the lower regions, also in the regions inhabited by auimals. When in the upper regions, they live on the Vaitādhya type of mountains, viz., Sabdāpāti, Vikațāpāti, Gandhāpāti and Mālyavanta, or even in Saumanasa or Pāņduka forest. When in the lower regions, they live in cravices and caves, or even in the shelfs (pājäla) and cells (bhavana) of the lower regions. While in the animal world, they live in fifteen lands of spiritual activity, or even in two islands and a half and in a portion of the oceans.
प्रश्न ४३–ते णं एगसमए णं केवइया होज्जा ?
Q. 43. Bhante! How many of them may live in a unit of time (samaya) ?
__ उत्तर ४३–गोयमा ! जहण्णणं एक्को वा दो वा तिण्णि वा उक्कोसेणं दस। से तेण?णं गोयमा ! एवं वुच्चइ-असोच्चा णं केवलिस्स वा जाव...अत्थेगइए केवलिपण्णत्तं धम्म लभेज्जा सवणयाए अत्थेगइए असोच्चा णं केवलिपण्णत्तं जाव...णो लभेज्जा सवणयाए जाव...अत्थगइए केवलणाणं उप्पाडेज्जा अत्थेगइए केवलणाणं णो उप्पाडेज्जा।
A. 43. Gautama ! Minimum one, two or three, and maximum ten. Hence I say, without hearing from an omniscient personality, till the female devotee of one selfenlightened, someone may have the benefit of having heard the Law, and someone may not have it, till someone may have supreme knowledge, and someone may not have it.
[ on the knowledge of Law on hearing ]
प्रश्न ४४-सोच्चा णं भंते ! केवलिस्स वा जाव...तप्पक्खियउवासियाए वा केवलिपण्णत्तं धम्म लभेज्जा सवणयाए ?
Q. 44. Bhanto! Does one derive the knowledge of Law on hearing from an omniscient personality, till the female devotee of one who is self-enlightened ?