भगवती सूत्रग् शः ९ उः ३१ .. प्रश्न २८-से णं भंते! किं सागारोवउत्ते होज्जा अणागारोवउत्ते वा होज्जा ?
- Q. 28. Bhante ! of faith.
Has he the equipment of knowledge or
उत्तर २८-गोयमा ! सागारोवउत्ते वा होज्जा अणागारोवउत्ते वा होज्जा।
A. 28. Gautama ! as well as of faith.
He has the equipment of knowledge
प्रश्न २९-से णं भंते ! कयरम्मि संघयणे होज्जा ?
Q. 29. Bhante ! have ?
What sort of body structure does he
उत्तर २९-गोयमा ! वइरीसहणारायसंघयणे होज्जा।
A. 29. Gautama ! He is said to have what is called vajra-rşabha-nårāca (which is considered to be the best among body structures).
प्रश्न ३०-से णं भंते ! कयरम्मि संठाणे होज्जा ?
Q. 30. Bhante !
How about his shape ?
उत्तर ३० ---गोयमा! छग्ह संठाणाणं अण्णयरे संठाणे होज्जा ।
A. 30.
Gautama ! Anyone of the six shapes.
प्रश्न ३१-से णं भंते ! कयरम्मि उच्चत्ते होज्जा ?
Q. 31. Bhante ! How tall is he?