Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 9 Ch. 31
Q. 21. Bhante! Is it possible for one to acquire supremeknowledge without bearing as aforesaid ?
उत्तर २१-एवं चेव णवरं केवलणाणावरणिज्जाणं कम्माणं खए भाणियब्वे सेसं तं चेव । से तेणट्टेणं गोयमा! एवं वुच्चइ जाव...केवलणाणं उप्पाडेज्जा ।
A. 21. Gautama ! Repeat all that is already stated, except that exhaustion or tranquilisation here is relevant of karma obstructing supreme knowledge.
प्रश्न २२-असोच्चा णं भंते ! केवलिस्स वा जाव...तप्पक्खियउवासियाए वा केवलिपण्णत्तं धम्म लभेज्जा सवणयाए केवलं बोहिं बुज्झज्जा केवलं मुंडे भवित्ता अगाराओ अणगारियं पव्वएज्जा केवलं वंभचेरवासं आवसेज्जा केवलेणं संजमेणं संजमेज्जा केवलेणं संवरेणं संवरेज्जा केवलं आभिणिबोहियणाण उत्पाडेजा जाव...केवलं मणपज्जवणाणं उप्पाडेज्जा केवलणाणं उप्पाडेज्जा ?
Q. 22. Bhante! Is it possible for cne to derive without hearing from an cmniscient personality, till the female devoiee of one self-enlightened, the benefit of having heard the Law fropounded by the omniscient, to acquire pure enlightenment, to court the life of a hcmeless monk by simply giving up his home and undergoing a tonsure, to assume the pure robe of the celibate, to be restrained by practising pure restraint, to check the inflow of fresh karma by sincere with- . drawal, to have knowledge based on pure perception, till pure psychological knowledge, till supreme knowledge ?
उत्तर २२... गोयमा ! असोच्चा केवलिस्स वा जव...उवासियाए वा अत्थेगइए के वलिण्णत्तं धम्मं लभेज्जा सवणयाए अत्थे गइए केवलिपण्णत्तं धम्म णो लभेज्जा सवणयाए अत्थेगइए केवलं बोहिं बुज्झज्जा अत्थे गइए केवलं बोहिं णो बुज्झज्जा अत्थेगइए केवलं मुंडे भवित्ता अगाराओ अणगारियं पव्वएज्जा अत्येगइए जाव...णो पव्वएज्जा अत्थेगइए केवलं बंभचेरवासं आवसेज्जा अत्थेगइए केवलं बंभचे रवासं णो आवरेज्जा अत्थेगइए केवलेणं