Bhagavati Sätra Bk. 11 Ch. 11
अयमेयारूवं गोणं गुणणिप्फण्णं णामधेज्जं करेंति-जम्हा णं अम्हं इमे दारए बलस्स 'रण्णो पुत्ते पभावईए देवीए अत्तए तं होउ णं अम्हं एयस्स दारगस्स णामधेज्ज महब्बले। तएणं तस्स दारगस्स अम्मापियरो णामधेज्जं करेंति महब्बले त्ति।
On the first day the parents performed the ritual ceremony as per family tradition, on the third day they showed the infant to the sun and the moon, on the sixth day they observed the superstitious vigil and on the eleventh day they performed operations and ceremonies for the removal of impurities caused by child birth and on the twelfth day prepared plenty of food, drinks, of four categories. Having prepared these they invited and fed all their kşatriya kinsmen as described in Book Eleven Chapter Nine on Rājarşi Śiva. When the dinner was over as per tradition of the family, before that gathering the king gave the name to the boy befitting his family-as he was the son of king Bala and queen Prabhāvati he was named Mahābala.
तएणं से महब्बले दारए पंचधाईपरिग्गहिए तंजहा-खीरधाईए एवं जहा दढपइण्णे जाव'...णिवायणिव्वाघायंसि सुहंसुहेणं परिवड्डइ। तएणं तस्स महब्बलस्स दारगस्स अम्मापियरो अणुपुत्वेणं ठिइवडियं वा चंदसूरदंसावणियं वा जागरियं वा णामकरणं वा परंगामणं वा पयचंकमणं वा जेमामणं वा पिंडवद्धणं वा पज्जपावणं वा कण्णवेहणं वा संवच्छरपडिलेहणं वा चोलोयणगं च उवणयणं च अण्णाणि य बहू णि गब्भाधाणजम्मणमाइयाई कोउयाइं करेंति।
Mahāvalakumar was taken care by five nurses one who gave milk (ksiradhātri), one who gave bath (rajjanadhātri), one who adorned (mandanadhātri), one who played (kridanadhātri) and one who hold (ankadhātri) as described of prince Dşdhapratijña in Rajapraśnīya Sutra. He grew happily day by day as a Campaka creeper planted "at a place without obstruction. As per family prestige, his parents observed all the ceremonies beginning with birth, showing of sun and moon, night vigil, naming the child,