दशमो उद्देसो Chapter Ten
रायगिहे जाव...एवं वयासी
In the city of Rājagyha, till made the following submission :
[ Types of the Universe ] प्रश्न ५४-क इविहे गं भंते ! लोए पण्णत्ते ? Q. 54. Bhante ! How many types of loka (world) are
उत्तर ५४-गोयमा! चउविहे लोए पण्णत्ते तंजहा-दव्वलोए खेत्तलोए काललोए भावलोए।
A.54. Gautamal They have been stated to be four, viz., world as object, world as space, world as time and world as cognition.
प्रश्न ५५-खेत्तलोए णं भंते ! कइविहे पण्णत्ते ?
Q. 55. Bhante ! How many types is the world as space ?
उत्तर ५५-गोयमा ! तिविहे पण्णत्ते तंजहा-अहोलोयखेत्तलोए तिरियलोयखेत्तलोए उड्डलोयखेत्तलोए।
A. 55. Gautama ! It has three types, viz., world beneath, world in the middle and world high up: प्रश्न ५६-अहोलोयखेत्तलोए णं भंते ! कइविहे पण्णत्ते ? ।
Q.56. Bhante | How many types is the world as space beneath ?