Bagavati Satra Bk. 11 Ch. 1
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Q.31. Bhante ! If the soul of an Utpala is reborn as water body and then reverts to Utpala, how long can it move back and forth like this?
उत्तर ३१-एवं चेव एवं जहा पुढविजीवे भणिए तहा जाव...वाउजीवे भाणियब्वे ।
___ A. 31. Gautama ! This is similar to earth body, till air body.
migration to the
प्रश्न ३२-से णं भंते ! उप्पलजीवे से वणस्सइजीवे से पुणरवि उप्पलजीवेत्ति केवइयं कालं सेवेज्जा-केवइयं कालं गइरागइं करेज्जा ?
Q. 32. Bhante ! When the soul of an Utpala is reborn in some other plant life, then reverts to Utpala, how long can it move back and forth like this ?
उत्तर ३२- गोयमा ! भवादेसेणं जहण्णणं दो भवग्गहणाई उक्कोसेणं अणंताई भवग्गहणाई कालादेसेणं जहण्णेणं दो अंतोमुहुत्ता उक्कोसेणं अणंतं कालं तरूकालं एवइयं कालं सेवेज्जा एवइयं कालं गइरागई करेज्जा।
A. 32. Gautama ! As per transmigration, minimum, two times and maximum, innumerable times. As per time, minimum, less than two muhurtas and maximum, an infinite time.
प्रश्न ३३-से णं भंते ! उप्पलजीवे बेइंदियजीवे पुणरवि उप्पलजीवे त्ति केवइयं काल सेवेज्जा-केवइयं कालं गइरागई करेज्जा ?
Q. 33. Bhante ! When the soul of an Utpala is reborn as a two organ being and then reverts to Utpala, how long can it move back and forth like this?
उत्तर ३३-गोयमा! भवादेसेणं जहण्णेणं दो भवग्गहणाई उक्कोसेणं संखेज्जाइं भवग्गहणाई का लादेसेणं जहण्णेणं दो अंतोमुहुत्ता उक्कोसेणं