Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 10 Ch. 5
भ. म.-अज्जो ! छ अग्गमहिसीओ पण्णताओ तं जहा-इला सुक्का सतारा सोदामिणी इंदा घणविज्जुया। तत्थ णं एगमेगाए देवीए छ छ देवीसहस्सा परिवारो पण्णत्तो।
Mahāvira-Aryas ! He has six principal consorts named Ilā, Sukrā, Satārā, Saudāmini, Indrā and Ghana-vidyut, cach having raised a family of six thousands.
थे. भ.-पभू णं भते ! ताओ एगमेगा देवी अण्णाई छ छ देविसहस्साई परिवारं विउवित्तए ?
Monks—Which means that they can bring into six thousand goddesses each ?
भ. म.-एवामेव सपुवावरेणं छत्तीसाइं देविसहस्साई से तं तुडिए।
Mahāvira--Yes, Aryas ! They can do so. In all, they can bring into being 36000 goddesses which constitute one group.
थे. भ.-पभू णं भंते !
धरणे ?
Dharanendra, ill
Monks-Bhante ! Is it possible for enjoy the company of his goddesses ?
भ. म-सेसं तं चेव णवरं धरणाए रायहाणीए धरणंसि सीहासणंसि सओ परिवारो सेसं तं चेव।
Mahavira-No, Aryas ! It is not, so far as sex indulgence is concerned, as before, except that his capital city is named Dharana and his throne is named Dharana.
थे भ.-धरणस्स णं भंते ! णागकुमारिंदस्स लोगपालस्स कालवालस्स महारण्णो कइ अग्गमहिसीओ पण्णत्ताओ?
Monks- Bhante ! How many are the principal consorts of Lokapāla Kālabāla of the Indra of the Nāgas ?
. भ. म.-अज्जो! चत्तारि अग्गमहिसीओ पण्णत्ताओ तं जहा-असोगा