भगवती सूत्रम् शः १० उ: ५
Monks-Bhante! How many are the principal consorts of Vali, the Indra of the Vairocanas ?
भ. म. अज्जो ! पंच अग्गमहिसीओ पण्णत्ताओ तं जहा — सुभा णिसुभारंभा णिरंभा मयणा । तत्थ णं एगमेगाए देवीए अट्ठट्ठ सेसं जहा चमरस्स णवरं बलिचंचाए रायहाणीए परिवारो जहा मोउद्देसए सेसं तं चेव जाव... मेहुणवत्तियं ।
Mahāvīra - Aryas! He has five named as Subhā, Nisumbhā, Rambha, Nirambhā and Madanā each having raised a family of eight thousand. The rest is similar to that of Camaendra, except that in this case the capital city is named Valicañcā. His family is similar to the description contained in Chapter One, Book Three, till he cannot indulge in sex behaviour.
थे. भ. बलिस्स णं भंते ! वइरोयणिदस्स वइरोयणरण्णो सोमस्स महारण्णी कइ अग्गमहिसीओ पण्णत्ताओ ?
Monks-Bhante! How many principal consorts have Lokapāla soma, the Lord of a direction under Valindra ?
म. -
- अज्जो ! चत्तारि अग्गमहिसीओ पण्णत्ताओ तं जहा - मीणगा सुभद्दा विजया असणी । तत्थ णं एगमेगाए देवीए सेसं जहा चमरसोमस्स एवं जाव... वेसमणस्स ।
Mahāvira-Four, named as Menakā, Subhadrā, Vijayā and Asani. The rest is similar to that of Lokapāla soma under Camarendra. Like this, till Lokapāla Vaisrmaņa of Valindra.
थे. भ. - धरणस्स णं भंते ! नागकुमारिदस्स णागकुमाररणो कइ arrafoसीओ पण्णत्ताओ ?
Monks-Bhante! How many are the principal consorts of Dharana, the Indra of the Nāgas, their king ?