Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 10 Ch. 4
प्रश्न ४३-अत्थि णं भंते ! ईसाणस्स ? Q. 43. Bhante! What about lśānendra ?
उत्तर ४३–एवं जहा सक्कस्स णवरं चंपाए णयरीए जाव...उववण्णा । जप्पभियं च णं भंते ! चंपिज्जा तायत्तीसं सहाया सेसं तं चेव जाव...अण्णे उववज्जति ।
A. 43. Gautama ! The position is similar to that of Sakrendra, except that in the present case, the thirty-three followers lived in the city of Campā. प्रश्न ४४-अत्थि णं भंते ! सणंकुमारस्स देविंदस्स देवरण्णो पुच्छा ? Q. 44. And what about Devendra Sanatkumāra ? उत्तर ४४-हंता अत्थि ।
A. 44. Gautama ! He too has thirty-three gods under him.
प्रश्न ४५-से केण?णं ? Q. 45. Bhante ! How is it so ?
उत्तर ४५-जहा धरणस्स तहेव एवं जाव...पाणयस्स एवं अच्चुयस्स जाव...अण्णे उववज्जति ।
A. 45. Gautama ! What has been said of Dharanendra also holds good here, till the Indra in Prāṇata, till the Indra in Acyūta, till there is no vacancy at any time.
-सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते ! ति। - Bhante ! So they are. You are right.
चउत्थो उद्देसो समत्तो। Chapter Four ends.