पढमो उद्देसो
Chapter One तेणं कालेणं तेणं समएणं मिहिला णामं णयरी होत्था । वष्णो । माणिभद्दे चेइए। वण्णओ। सामी समोसढे परिसा णिग्गया जाव...भगवं गोयमे पज्जुवासमाणे एवं वयासी
In that period, at that time, there was a city named Mithila. Description. A caitya named Manlbhadra. Description. Bhagavān Mahāvira arrived there. People went out, till Bhagavān Gautama made the following submission :
( Isles in the Salt Ocean ] प्रश्न १-कहि णं भंते ! जंबुद्दीवे दीवे किं संठिए णं भंते! जंबुददीवे दीवे ?
Q. 1. Bhante ! What is the location of Jambūdvipa ? What is its shape ?
उत्तर १-एवं जंबुद्दी वपण्णत्ती भाणियव्वा जाव...एवामेव सपुत्वावरेण जंबुद्दीवे दीवे चोद्दस सलिला सयसहस्सा छप्पण्णं च सहस्सा भवंतीति मक्खाया।
A. 1. Gauta ma ! On this, refer to the Jambudvipa Prajñapti, till in Jambūdvipa, in the eastern side and in the western side, there are 14,56.000 sivers.
-सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते ! त्ति। -Bhante ! So they are. Bhante ! So they are. ...So.
पढमो उद्देसो समत्तो। Chapter One ends.