भगवती सूत्रम् शः ९ उ: ३३
studded with precious stones on his head. Needless to add more to the description beyond saying that fully decorated in all respects, he looked like a kalpa tree. Now, Jamāli's father called his men and said unto them as follows : "Oh beloved of the gods! Arrange, at once a palanquin with hundreds of posts with dancing figures carved on them, etc., as per the Rajapraśniya Sutra, till to be carried by a thousand bearers, and report to me the execution of my order.”
कोडु' बियपुरिसा जाव... पच्चप्पिणंति । तएणं सेजमाली खत्तियकुमारे केसालंकारेगं वत्थालंकारेणं मल्लालंकारेणं आभरणालंकारेणं चउव्विणं अलंकारेणं अलंकारिए. समाणे पडिपुण्णालंकारे सीहासणाओ अब्भुट्ठे इ सीहासणाओ अब्भुट्ठित्ता सीयं अणुप्पदाहिणीकरेमाणे सीयं दुरूहइ दुरूहित्ता सीहासणवरं सि पुरत्थाऽभिमुहे सणसण्णा ।
The valets did accordingly and reported. Then Jamali, with his fourfold decorations, viz, decoration of the hairs, decoration with cloth, decoration with wreaths and decoration He seat. boarded the with ornaments, rose from his palanquin from the sourh and sat on the finest cushion meant for him with his face turned towards the east.
तणं तस्स जमालिस्स खत्तियकुमारस्स माया व्हाया कयबलिकम्मा जाव... सरीरा हंस लक्खणं पडसाडगं गहाय सीयं अणुप्पदाहिणीकरेमाणी सीयं दुरूहइ सीयं दुरूहित्ता जमालिस्स खत्तियकुमारस्स दाहिणे पासे भद्दासणवरंसि सणसण्णा । तणं तस्स जमालिस्स खत्तियकुमारस्स अम्मधाई व्हाया जाव... सरीरा रयहरणं पडिग्गहं च गहाय सीहं अणुप्पदाहिणीकरेमाणी सी दुरूहइ सीयं दुरूहित्ता जमालिस्स खत्तियकुमारस्स वामे पासे मद्दासणवरंसि सणसण्णा । तणं तस्स जमालिस खत्तियकुमारस्स पिट्ठओ एगा वरतरुणी सिंगारागारचारुवेसा संगयगय जाव... रूवोव्वणविलासकलिया सुंदरथणहिमरयय कुमुद कुंदे दुप्पगासं सकोरंटमल्लदामं धवलं आयवत्तं गहाय सलीलं उवरिं धारेमाणी धारेमाणी चिट्ठइ । तएणं तस्स जमालिस्स उभओ पासिं दुवे वरतरुणीओ सिंगारागारचारु जाव... कलियाओ णाणामणिकणग