Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 7 Ch. 10
Sramaṇa Jñātaputra has named the first four to be inanimate, and the last one, jivāstikāya, the only animate. Of the five, four are without form and only pudgalāstikāya though inanimate, is with form. How do we position ?”
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तेणं कालेणं तेणं समएणं समणे भगवं महावीरे जाव... गुणसिलए चेइए समोसढे । जाव... परिसा पडिगया । तेणं कालेणं तेणं समएणं समणस्स भगवओ महावीरस्स जेट्ठे अंतेवासी इंदभूई णामं अणगारे गोयमगोत्ते णं एवं जहा बितियसए नियंठुद्देसए जाव.. .. भिक्खायरियाए अडमाणे अहापज्जत्तं भत्तपाणं पडिगाहिता रायगिहाओ नगराओ जाव... ....अतुरियं अचवलं असंभंत जाव... रियं सोहेमाणे सोहेमाणे तेसिं अण्णउत्थियाणं अदूरसामंतेणं वीइवयइ । तणं ते अण्णउत्थिया भगवं गोयमं अदूरसामंतेणं वीइवयमाणं पासंति पासेत्ता अण्णमण्णं सद्दावेंति अण्णमण्णं सद्दाविंता एवं वयासी :
एवं खलु देवाणुपिया ! अम्हं इमा कहा अविप्पकडा अयं च णं गोयमे अम्हं अदूरसामंतेणं वीईवयइ तं सेयं खलु देवाणुप्पिया ! अम्हं गोयमं एयमट्ठ पुच्छित्तए ।
In that period, at that time, Śramaņa Bhagavan Mahāvīra came to camp at the Guṇaśila caitya, till people went back. He had a senior disciple in Indrabhūti Gautama (description in S. 2. U. 5.) who, while wandering on a begging mission, on his way back through of the streets Rājaghra, at a slow pace, without hurry, without restlessvery much any lapse, alive ness, without and alert to the fulfilment of iriyā samiti, reached within a very When the heretics. heretics saw narrow range of the Bhagavan Gautama near them, they said to one another, "Oh beloved of the gods ! We are really ignorant about the astikäyas. Here is Gautama. Let us approach so that he may enlighten us about it."
ति कट्टु अण्णमण्णस्स अंतिए एयमट्ठ पडिसुगंति एयमट्ठ पडिसुणित्ता जेणेव भगवं गोयमे तेणेव उवागच्छंति तेणेव उवागच्छित्ता भगवं गोयमं एवं वयासी :
एवं खलु गोयमा ! तव धम्मायरि
धम्मोवएसए समणे णायपुत्ते पंच