Bhagavati Sütra Bk. 7 Ch. 7
and is fit to be perfected in this very life. What do you think of him ?
उत्तर १२६ – सेसं जहा छउमत्थस्स ।
A. 126. The same as in the case of a chadmasta.
प्रश्न १२७ – केवली णं भंते ! मणूसे जे भविए तेणेव भवग्गहणेणं ?
Q. 127. Bhante ! If the person be a kevalin and is to be perfected in this very life, then ?
उत्तर १२७ – गोयमा ! एवं जहा परमाहोहिए जाव...
भवइ ।
A. 127. Gautama ! The same as one with wide avadhi knowledge, till the great outcome is his.
[ experience with and without desiring]
प्रश्न १२८ - जे इमे भंते ! असण्णिणो पाणा तं जहा - पुढविक्काइआ जाव... वणस्स इकाइआ छट्ठा य एगइया तसा । एए णं अंधा मूढा तमं पविट्ठा तमपडलमोहजालपडिच्छण्णा अकामणिकरणं वेयणं वेदेतीत्ति वत्तव्वं सिया ?
Q. 128. Bhante ! There are one-organ living beings without mind, such as the earth bodies, till flora, and the sixth, some mobile beings who are ignorant, idiotic, engrossed in darkness, handicapped by nescience and entangled in the snares of attachment. Can it be said about these that they experience without desiring ?
उत्तर १२८ - हंता गोयमा ! जे इमे असण्णिणो पाणा जाव...पुढवीकाइआ जाव... वणस्सइकाइआ छट्ठा य जाव...वेयणं वेदेतीति वत्तव्वं सिया ।
प्रश्न १२९ - अत्थि णं भंते !
A. 128. Yes, it can be said like that about these who are without mind.
पभू वि अकामणिकरणं वेयणं वेदेति ?