Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 7 Ch. 7
Q. 121. And what about the four-organ beings ? उत्तर १२१ - गोयमा! चरिंदिया कामी वि भोगी वि ।
A. 121. Gautama ! They desire as well as they experience.
प्रश्न १२२-से केणठेणं जाव...भोगी वि ? Q. 122. What's the reason for this ?
उत्तर १२२-गोयमा ! चखिदियं पडुच्च कामी घाणिंदियजिभिंदियफासिंदियाई पडुच्च भोगी। से तेणठेणं जाव...भोगी वि। अवसेसा जहा जीवा जाव...वेमाणिया।
A. 122. Gautama ! They desire with their organ of sight and they experience with their organs of smell, taste and touch. The rest like five-organ beings, till the Vaimānikas.
प्रश्न १२३-एएसि णं भंते ! जीवाणं कामभोगीणं णोकामीणं णोभोगीणं भोगीणं य कयरे कयरेहिंतो जाव...विसेसाहिया वा?
Q. 123. Bhante ! Of living beings who desire as well as experience, who neither desire nor experience, and who expe-. rience only, which ones are the smallest in number, till especially more ?
उत्तर १२३-गोयमा ! सव्वथोवा जीवा कामभोगी णोकामी णोभोगी अणंतगुणा भोगी अणंतगुणा ।
A. 123. Gautama ! Smallest in number are those who desire and experience ; infinite times more are those who neither desire nor experience ; and still infinite times more are those who only experience.
( on the chadmasta and the kevalin. ]
प्रश्न १२४-छउमत्थे णं भंते ! मणूसे जे भविए अण्णयरेसु देवलोएसु देवत्ताए उववज्जित्तए से पूणं भंते ! से खीणभोगी णो पभू उठाणेणं कम्मेणं