भगवती सूत्रम् सः ७ उः ६
A. 99. Gautama ! In that period, at that time, the great rivers, the Ganga and the Sindhu, will be no wider than a chariot's route. In their beds, the flow of water will be no wider than the length of a spoke. That slender flow of water will have many a fish and tortoise. But mind that there will not be much water. Now, these human beijngs who are sleeping all the time will come out for a muhurta at sunrise, and for a muhurta again at sun-down, and put some fish and tortoise under the sand on the beach to roast there. Fish and tortoise buried in the evening will be taken out and devoured in the morning, and those buried in the morning will be taken out and devoured in the evening. In this manner, they will live on for twenty-one thousand years.
प्रश्न १०० ते णं भंते ! मणुया णिस्सीला णिग्गुणा णिम्मेरा . णिप्पच्चक्खाणपोसहोववासा ओसणं मंसाहारा मच्छाहारा खोद्दाहारा कुणिमाहारा कालमासे कालं किच्चा कहिं गच्छिहिंति कहिं उववज्जिहिंति ?
Q. 100. Bhante ! These men devoid of conduct. devoid of merit, devoid of status, devoid of renunciation, confession or fast, mostly living on meat, fish, filth, carcass, etc., where will they repair after death, where will they be born again ?
उत्तर १००-गोयमा ! ओसण्णं णरगतिरिक्खजोणिएसु उववज्जिहिंति।
A. 100. Gautama ! They will go mostly to hell or to the world of subhuman beings. They will be born as infernal beings or as animals.
प्रश्न १०१ ते णं भंते ! सीहा वग्धा वगा दीविया अच्छा तरच्छा परस्सरा हिस्साला तहेव जाव...कहिं उववज्जि हिंति ?
Q. 101. Bhante ! In that period, at that time, where will the wild animals, lions, tigers, leopards, wolves, rhinoes, etc., who are mostly without right conduct, where will they repair after death, where will they be born again ?