Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 7 Ch. 3
उत्तर ५६-गोयमा ! ठिई पडुच्च से तेणठेणं गोयमा ! जाव...महाकम्मतराए।
A. 56. Gautama ! It is so because of the difference in the span of their remaining life.
णीललेसे रइए अप्पकम्मतराए काउलेसे
प्रश्न ५७-सिय' भंते ! रइए महाकम्मतराए ?
Q. 57. Bhante ! Is it a fact that infernal beings with a blue tinge have sometimes less karma, while those with a grey tinge have much karma ?
उत्तर ५७ -हंता सिया।
A. 57. Yes, it is sometimes like this.
प्रश्न ५८-से केणठेणं भंते ! एवं वुच्चइ-णीललेसे णेरइए अप्पकम्मतराए काउलेसे रइए महाकम्मतराए ?
Q. 58. Bhante ! What is the reason for this ?
उत्तर ५८-गोयमा ! ठिइं पडुच्च से तेणट्ठणं गोयमा ! जाव...महाकम्मतराए। एवं असुरकुमारेवि णवरं तेउलेसा अब्भहिया। एवं जाव... वेमाणिया । जस्स जइ लेस्साओ तस्स तत्तिया भाणियव्वाओ जोइसियस्स ण भण्णइ ।
A. 58. Gautama ! It is so because of the difference in the span of their remaining life. The same holds of the Asurakumāras, who have also a red tinge in addition, and repeat the same, till the Vaimānikas, stating specifically the number of tinges in each case, but the Jyotişkas are to be excluded.
प्रश्न ५९-जाव...सिय भंते ! पम्हलेसे वेमाणिए अप्पकम्मतराए सुक्कलेसे वेमाणिए महाकम्मतराए ?
Q. 59. Bhante ! Is it a fact that the Vaimanikas with