भगवती सूत्रम् सः ७ उः ३
touches the seed is in its turn linked with the soul in the trunk, from which the former derives food and digests it.
प्रश्न ५४ – अह भंते ! आलुए मूलए सिंगबेरे हिरिली सिरिलि सिस्सिरिलि किट्टिया छिरिया छीरविरालिया कण्हकंदे वज्जकंदे सूरणकंदे खेलूडे अद्दभद्दमुत्था पिडंहलिद्दा लोहिणी हूथीहू थिरुगा मुग्गपण्णी अस्सकण्णी सीहणी सीढी सुंढी जेयावण्णे तहप्पगारा सब्वे ते अनंतजीवा विविहसत्ता ?
Q.54. Bhante ! Potato, raddish, ginger, hirīlī, sirili, sissirīli, kittikā, chiriyā, chiravidärikā, vajrakanda, sūranakanda, kheludā, ärdrabhadramothā, pindaharidrā, rohini, huthihu, thtrugā, mudgaparni, asvakarni, sinhakarni, sihandhi, musundhi, and many other like these, do these have an infinite number of souls and do these take diverse forms ?
आलुए मूलए जाव... अनंतजीवा विविह
उत्तर ५४ - हंता गोयमा !
सत्ता ।
A. 54. Yes, Gautama ! These have an infinite number of souls and they take diverse forms.
[ tinges and karma ]
प्रश्न ५५ - सिय भंते! कण्हले से णेरइए अप्पकम्मतराए णीललेसे णेरइए महाकम्मतराए ?
Q. 55. Bhante ! Is it a fact that infernal beings with a a black tinge have sometimes less karma, while those with a blue tinge have much karma ?
उत्तर ५५ - हंता सिया ।
A. 55. Yes, it is sometimes like this.
प्रश्न ५६ – से केणट्ठणं भंते ! एवं वुच्चइ - कण्हलेसे णेरइर अप्पकम्मतराए णीललेसे णेरइए महाकम्मतराए ?
Q.56. Bhante ! What is the reason for this ?