Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 7 Ch. 2
[renounced, unrenounced, their disiribution), प्रश्न ३३-जीवा णं भंते ! किं मूलगुणपच्चक्खाणी उत्तरगुणपच्चक्खाणी अपच्चक्खाणी ?
Q. 33. Bhante ! Are the living beings mülaguna-renounced, uttaraguņa-renounced or unrenounced ?
उत्तर ३३-गोयमा! जीवा मूलगुणपच्चक्खाणी वि उत्तरगुणपच्चकखाणी वि अपच्चक्खाणी वि ।
A. 33. Gautama ! The living beings are mulagunarenounced, also uttaraguna-renounced, also unrenounced...'
प्रश्न ३४-णेरइया णं भंते ! कि मूलगुणपच्छक्खाणी-पुच्छा ?
Q. 34. Bhante ! Are the infernal beings' mülagunarenounced, and so on ?
उत्तर ३४-गोयमा ! रइया णो मूलगुणपच्चक्खाणी णो उत्तरगुणपच्चक्खाणी अपच्चक्खाणी। एवं जाव...चउरिंदिया। पंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणिया मणुस्सा य जहा जीवा। वाणमंतर-जोइसिय-वेमाणिया जहा रइया।
A. 34. Gautama ! The infernal beings are neither mulaguna-renounced, nor uttaraguna-renounced, but unrenounced. And like this, till the four-organ beings.. Fiveorgan beings, animals and men are like ordinary (aughika) beings. The Vāņavyantaras, the Jyotişkas and the Vaimānikas are like the infernal beings.
प्रश्न ३५-एएसि णं भंते ! जीवाणं मूलगुणपच्चक्खाणीणं उत्तरगुणपच्चक्खाणीणं अपच्चक्खाणीणं य कयरे कयरेहिंतो जाव...विसेसाहिया वा?
Q. 35. Bhante ! Of the living beings who are either mūlaguņa-renounced or uttaraguņa-renounced or unrenounced, which ones are less, more, equal and especially more ?
उत्तर ३५-गोयमा ! सव्वत्थोवा जीवा मूलगुणपच्चक्खाणी उत्तरगुणपच्चक्खाणी असंखेज्जगुणा अपच्चखाणी अणंतगुणा।