Bhagavati Sütra Bk. 8 Ch. 10
उत्तर ४०४ – एवं चेव । एवं मज्झिमियं चरिताराहणं पि ।
A. 404. Gautama ! The same, and so also in the case of medium devotion to conduct.
प्रश्न ४०५ - जहण्णियं णं भंते! णाणाराहणं आहेत्ता कइ हिं हहिं सिज्झइ जाव... अंतं करेइ ?
Q. 405. Bhante ! Through low devotion to knowledge, in how many births does one attain perfection, till end all misery ?
उत्तर ४०५ – गोयगा ! अत्थेगइए तच्चेणं भवग्गहणेणं सिज्झइ जाव... अंत करेइ । सत्तट्ठ भवग्गहणाई पुण णाइक्कमइ । एवं दंसणाराहणं पि एवं चरिताराहणं पि ।
A. 405. Gautama ! Some are perfected, till end all misery in three lives; in any case, they are not born beyond their seventh or eighth life. The same holds good of low devotion to faith and low devotion to conduct.
[ on transformation of matter ]
प्रश्न ४०६ – कइ विहे णं भंते ! पोग्गलपरिणामे पण्णत्ते ?
Q. 406. Bhante ! How many types is transformation of matter (pudgala parināma ) ?
उत्तर ४०६ – गोयमा ! पंचविहे पोग्गलपरिणामे पण्णत्ते तं जहापरिणामे गंधपरिणामे रसपरिणामे फासपरिणामे संठाणपरिणामे ।
Q. 407. tion of colour ?
Bhante ! How
A. 406 Gautama ! Five types, as colour, as smell, as taste, as touch and as shape.
प्रश्न ४०७ - वण्णपरिणामे णं भंते ! कइविहे पण्णते ?
many types is transforma