Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 8 Ch. 10
A. 393. Gautama! What the heretics hold, till assert, is far from the truth. My view in this matter is, and I firmly hold this view, that there are four types of people as follows: some have conduct but not canons; some have canons but not conduct; some have both; and some have neither. Gautama! Of these, the first type has conduct but not canons. He is desisted from sin but is ignorant of the Law. I call him a part-follower. The second type has canons but not conduct. He knows the Law but does not desist from sin. I call him a part-heretic. The third type has both so that he desists from sin as well as knows the Law. He is a full follower. The fourth type has neither so that he neither desists from sin nor knows the Law. Such a person is a full
[devotion and devotee ]
प्रश्न ३९४ – कइ विहा णं भंते ! आराहणा पण्णत्ता ?
Q. 394. Bhante ! How (ārāhaṇā) ?
many types is devotion>>
उत्तर ३९४ – गोयमा ! तिविहा जाणाराहणा दंसणाराहणा चरिताराहणा ।
आराहणा पण्णत्ता तं
A. 394. Gautama! Devotion is of three types, devotion to knowledge, to faith, to conduct.
प्रश्न ३९५ - णाणाराहणा णं भंते! कइ विहा पण्णत्ता ?
Q. 395. Bhante ! How many types knowledge ?
is devotion
उत्तर ३९५ – गोयमा ! तिविहा पण्णत्ता तं जहा - उक्कोसिया मज्झिमा जहण्णा ।
A. 395. Gautama! Three types, viz., high, medium and