(Bhagavati Satra Bk. 8 Ch. 9
A 362. Gautama! This bondage is acquired due to great slaughter, till great property, due to the intake of meat, slaughter of five-organ animals, and for acquiring a name relevant to a kārmaṇ body of an infernal being.
प्रश्न ३६३ - तिरिक्खजोणिया उयकम्मासरीर पुच्छा ?
Q, 363. Bhante ! What about the bondage of sub-human beings due to the formation of a kārmaṇ body?
उत्तर ३६३ - गोयमा ! माइल्लयाए णिय डिल्लयाए अलियवयणेणं कूड तुलकूडमाणेणं तिरिक्खजोणियाउयकम्मा जाव... पओगबंधे ।
A. 363. Gautama ! This bondage is acquired due to attachment, deep attachment, false utterances, use of wrong weights and measures, and for acquiring a name relevant to a kärman body of an animal.
प्रश्न ३६४ - मणुस्सा उय कम्मासरीर पुच्छा ?
Q-364. Bhante! What about the bondage of human beings due to the formation of a kārmaṇ body?
उत्तर ३६४ – गोयमा ! पगइभद्द्याए पगइविणीययाए साणुक्कोसणयाए अमच्छरियाए मणुस्साउयकम्मा जाव... पयोगबंधे ।
A. 364. Gautama ! This bondage is acquired due to natural mildness, natural humility, kindness, absence of jealousy, and for acquiring a name relevant to a kārman body of a human being.
प्रश्न ३६५ -- देवाउयकम्मासरीर पुच्छा ?
Q, 365. Bhante ! What about the bondage of divine beings due to the formation of a kārman body?