भगवती सूत्रम् स. ८ : १
a kārman
Q. 360. And what about unpleasant experiences, pray ?
उत्तर ३६०-गोयमा ! परदुखणयाए परसोयणयाए जहा सत्समसए दुस्समाउद्देसए जाव...परियावणयाए असायावेयणिज्नकम्मा जाव...फ्योगबंधे।
A. 360. Gautama ! For causing pain to living beings, for causing them grief, repeat what is stated in S.7. U.6 on duhsamå period, till for causing hardship to living beings, and for acquiring a name relevant to a kārman body giving unpleasant experiences.
प्रश्न ३६१-मोहणिज्जकाम्मासरीर पुच्छा ?
Q. 361. Bhante ! What karma leads to a bondage due to the formation of a kārman body causing delusion ?
उत्तर ३६१-गोयमा ! तिव्वकोहयाए तिव्वमाणयाए तिव्वमाययाए तिव्वलोभयाए तिव्वदंसणमोहणिज्जयाए तिव्वचरित्तमोहणिज्जयाए मोहणिज्जकम्मासरीरप्पओग जाव...पओगबंधे।
A. 361. Gautama ! This type of bondage is acquired from violent anger, violent pride, violent attachment, violent greed, violent karma obstructing faith, violent karma obstructing conduct, and for acquiring a name relevant to a kārman body causing delusion.
प्रश्न' ३६२-णेरइयाउयकम्मासरीर पुच्छा ?
Q.362. Bhante ! What about the bondage of infernal beings due to the formation of a kárman body.
उत्तर ३६२–गोयमा ! महारंभयाए महापरिग्गयाए कुणिमाहारेणं पंचिंदियवहेणं णेरइयाउयकम्मासरीरप्पओगणामाए कम्मस्स. उदएणं परइयाउयकम्मासरीर जाव...पओगबंधे ।