भगवती सूत्रम् सः ८ उः ९
प्रश्न ३१३ - ओरालियशरीरप्पओगबंधे णं भंते ! कालओ केवच्चिरं होइ ?
Q. 313. Bhante ! How long does the bondage due to the formation of the gross body last ?
उत्तर ३९३ - गोयमा ! सव्वबंधे एक्कं समयं देसबंधे जहणेणं एक्कं समयं उक्कोसेणं तिण्णि पलिओ माई समयऊणाई |
A. 313. Gautama ! The bondage of the whole lasts for a unit of countable time, while that of a part lasts for a unit of countable time in the minimum and for three palyopamas less a unit of countable time in the maximum.
भंते !
प्रश्न ३१४ - एगिंदियओरालिय सरीरप्पओगबंधे णं केवच्चिरं होइ ?
Q. 314. Bhante ! How long does the bondage due to the formation of the gross body of an one-organ being last?
उत्तर ३१४ – गोयमा ! सव्वबंधे एक्कं समयं देसबंधे जहणेणं एक्कं समयं उक्कोसेणं बावीसं वाससहस्साइं समयऊणाई ।
A. 314. Gautama ! The bondage of the whole lasts for a unit of countable time, while that of a part lasts for one unit of countable time in the minimum and for 22,000 years less one unit of countable time in the maximum.
प्रश्न ३१५ - पुढविक्काइयएगिंदिय पुच्छा ?
Q. 315. And how about the earth bodies with one sense organ ?
उत्तर ३१५ – गोयमा ! सव्वबंधे एक्कं समयं देसबंधे जहण्णेणं खुड्डागभवग्गहणं तिसमयकणं उक्कोसेणं बावीसं वाससहस्साई समयऊणाई । एवं सव्वेसिं सव्वबंध एक्कं समयं देसबंधो जेसिं णत्थि वेउव्वियसरीरं तेसिं