Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 8 Ch.9
consequent upon the rise of karma that there is bondage dueto the formation of a gross body of a five-organ human.
प्रश्न ३१०-ओरालियसरीरप्पओगबंधे णं भंते ! कि देस बंधे सव्वबंधे ?
Q. 310. Bhante ! Is the bondage due to the formation of the gross body a bondage of a part or of the whole ?
उत्तर ३१०-गोयमा! देसबंधे वि सव्वबंधे वि।
A. 310. Gautama ! It is a bondage of a part, and also of the whole.
किं देसबंधे
प्रश्न ३११-एगिंदियओरालियसरीरप्पओगबंधे णं भंते ! सव्वबंधे ?
Q. 311. Bhante ! Is the bondage due to the formation of the gross body of an one-organ being a bondage of a part or of the whole ?
उत्तर ३११--एवं चेव। एवं पुढविक्काइया एवं जाव...
A. 311. The same as stated. The same holds good of the earih bodies, es seq.
प्रश्न ३१२-मणुस्सपंचिंदियओरालियसरीरप्पओगबंधे णं भंते ! कि देसबंधे सब्वबंधे ?
Q. 312. Bhante! Is the bondage due to thc formation of the gross body of a five-organ human being a bondage of a part or of the whole ?
उत्तर ३१२-गोयमा ! देसबंधे वि सव्वबंधे वि ।
A. 312. Gautama ! Of a part as well as of the whole,