अट्ठमो उदेसो Chapter Eight
रायगिहे जाव... एवं वयासी
In that period, at that time, Indrabhuti Gautama made the following submission :
[ on adversaries ]
प्रश्न २३३ - गुरुं णं भंते ! पडुच्च कइ पडिणीया पण्णत्ता ?
Q. 233. Bhante ! Relative to the spiritual master (guru), how many are the adversaries ?
उत्तर २३३ – गोयमा ! तओ पडिणीया पण्णत्ता तं जहा - आयरियपडिणीए उवज्झायपडिणीए थेरपडिणीए ।
A. 233. Gautama ! (who is the head of the senior monks.
प्रश्न २३४ – गइं णं भंते ! पडुच्च कइ पडिणीया पण्णत्ता ?
Q. 234. Bhante ! Relative to tion), how many are the adversaries ?
Three, viz., adversary to the ācārya order), to the teachers and to the
movement (transmigra
उत्तर २३४ – गोयमा ! तओ पडिणीया पण्णत्ता तं जहा - इहलोगपडिणीए परलोगपडिणीए दुहओलोगपडिणीए ।
A. 234. Gautama ! Three, viz., adversary to this life, to the next life and to both.
प्रश्न २३५ – समुहं णं भंते ! पडुच्च कइ पडिणीया पण्णत्ता ?
Q. 235. Bhante ! to the community (group), how many are the adversaries ?